Emotional Regulation in the Playroom (Private Training – Eagle and Summit Counties, Colorado)
November 18, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am UTC+0
Emotional Regulation in the Playroom
As neuroscience continues to reveal the importance of developing greater and greater capacities for emotional regulation, it is essential that clinicians understand the biology behind regulation and how to develop it within the children they work with. This 2 hour workshop is designed to help clinicians understand exactly what regulation is and is not, the biological mechanisms in the brain and nervous system allowing for regulation, and gain insight into what it takes to develop a child’s regulatory capacity.
1.Explain the link between nervous system states and the symptoms that show up in the playroom
2. Explain what regulation is and isn’t according to Synergetic Play Therapy
3. Explain how children use the projective process in play therapy to set the toys and the therapist up to feel how they feel
If you would like your organization or school to receive training, please contact the Institute at info@synergeticplaytherapy.com