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We’re thrilled to be supporting The Embody Lab in their Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate Program starting this month!
Bringing together world renowned Somatic Trauma Therapy teachers into one program, this certificate provides a holistic framework for understanding and working with trauma from a body-centered perspective. Learn practical tools to access the innate wisdom that guides the healing process for yourself and your work with others.
✨Key principles of somatic trauma healing approaches for both individuals and the collective
✨Up to date evidence-informed approaches to treating and healing trauma.
✨Practical mind-body therapy tools to resource and prepare for trauma processing
✨The role of Polyvagal Theory as an essential foundation in trauma reprocessing.
✨The dynamics of post-traumatic hyper-arousal or hypo-arousal states
✨Gain a road map to facilitate resilience.
✨Identify self and collective-care practices for boundaries, energy and protection against vicarious trauma
The program starts September 24th and goes through December 17th – Live & Online AND you’ll have lifetime access to the On-Demand recordings at no extra cost.
Don’t miss your chance to study with world renowned Somatic Trauma Therapy teachers in one program!
REGISTRATIONS CLOSING SOON, SECURE YOUR SPOT TODAY: https://learn.theembodylab.com/a/2147490580/nczFhCiQ

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