Tragedy is an inevitability of life, no matter how much we wish it wasn’t. No one is immune, including kids. But heartbreak can bring about a myriad of emotions, inside and outside of the playroom. We can’t always keep kids safe, but we can reduce their fear of the unknown.


1:21 Lisa asks for Lessons from the Playroom podcast requests

1:40 How do we help children who have lost their sense of safety or the sense of safety in the community?

2:25 How do we help parents allay their own fears?

3:24 The importance of not rescuing

3:50 What are some dangers of rescuing the child?

5:42 We can’t always keep kids safe no matter how much we wish we could

6:45 How can we help a child find safety internally?

7:49 The goal of healing is to empower and help the child regain their neuroception of safety

8:50 Why should we avoid making assumptions that people feel a certain way about tragic events?

10:30 Tragedy comes with a full range of emotions, both expected and unexpected

12:18 Encouraging parents to discuss the full range of emotions

12:42 Emotions are fleeting and can change day by day or many times a day

13:20 Parents and therapists must honor whatever feelings emerge

14:20 How do we discover what part of the tragedy is most traumatic for the child?

16:24 Helping a child integrate means avoiding blame

18:00 How do we allow children to access their deeper level of emotions?

18:39 Giving yourself permission to be open to different reactions

21:19 Why is having a plan so vital?

21:45 How can we help parents form this plan?

22:50 How do we maximize the sense of safety?

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