Become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider

“I have a deeper understanding of the counseling process and how to help children in the playroom. It has given me a whole new perspective and changed my life both personally and professionally. Being authentic allows you to be free. There are just no words to describe it!”

Do you want to create a deeper impact with your child clients? Do you have a calling to help children heal?  Would you like to understand the neuroscience behind how healing takes place in the playroom?  Do you want to learn in an environment that empowers you to be yourself?

Explore below the path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider. Our programs are online or in-person and open to mental health therapists and those in related professions (e.g., child life specialists, occupational therapists, school counselors, etc.)

Learn more about our courses and specific SPT-training, below …

If you’re not ready to take one of our Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Program, an optional way to learn with us is to take one of our 1-hour, 2-hour, or 3-hour courses for non-contact credit*. Find all of recorded webinars/courses here.

You can also join a 1-day or 2-day training (offered upon request), conference or other event. Contact us.

And you could listen to our many Lessons from the Playroom podcast episodes and read Lisa Dion’s Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity book.

Come learn with us in whatever way feels congruent and authentic to you!

Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a 32-hour program that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child’s nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom.

You will learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration.

And if this wasn’t enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

You’ll learn all this while also learning how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

This course is offered four times a year – online in the months of January, June and October and in-person. Learn more here.

We know being a therapist / provider requires us to be on a journey of ongoing learning and self growth… And the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program is designed just for this reason – to support you on your journey of growing, evolving, and transforming as a play therapist or play provider!

With 85 hours of content plus 13 hours of consultation, the SPT Certification online program propels you on a journey of inquiry about how healing truly occurs in the playroom. You will learn about nervous system activation re-patterning and how integration occurs in the mind-body. You will study in-depth the projective process and the mind, perceptions and memory, interpersonal neurobiology, and will have a transformative understanding of trauma and attachment theory. But this isn’t the best part of this training. The best part is what happens to YOU!

This online program begins with 3.5 days together in community. Halfway through the course, we will reconvene for an additional 4.5 days.  During the program (with the exception of December and January), the course will be conducted twice a month via live webinar (1 1/2 hours each). Students will have additional monthly assignments to integrate learning. The Certification process includes 4 one-hour consultation sessions (pre-Certification consultation upon completion of your introductory course) and 9 one-hour consultation sessions (combination of group and individual) during the course with an SPT Consultant for a total of 13 consultation hours. These sessions are designed to help you integrate and deepen your learning. 

This entire advanced program not only helps you learn how to facilitate your child client’s healing, but also teach you about yourself, what drives you to be who you are, and awaken your own authenticity … absolutely priceless!

Learn more about CE credits awarded, course details, and application requirements here.

For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. This program also count towards Association for Play Therapy’s Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements).

In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this program is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of play therapy supervisor – one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist’s journey.

Get all the details and apply here.

Become a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider

“I have a deeper understanding of the counseling process and how to help children in the playroom. It has given me a whole new perspective and changed my life both personally and professionally. Being authentic allows you to be free. There are just no words to describe it!”

Do you want to create a deeper impact with your child clients? Do you have a calling to help children heal?  Would you like to understand the neuroscience behind how healing takes place in the playroom?  Do you want to learn in an environment that empowers you to be yourself?

Explore below the path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist or Certified Synergetic Play Provider. Our programs are online or in-person and open to mental health therapists and those in related professions (e.g., child life specialists, occupational therapists, school counselors, etc.)

Learn more about our courses and specific SPT-training, below …

If you’re not ready to take one of our Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy Program, an optional way to learn with us is to take one of our 1-hour, 2-hour, or 3-hour courses for non-contact credit*. Find all of recorded webinars/courses here.

You can also join a 1-day or 2-day training (offered upon request), conference or other event. Contact us.

And you could listen to our many Lessons from the Playroom podcast episodes and read Lisa Dion’s Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach to Integrating Intensity book.

Come learn with us in whatever way feels congruent and authentic to you!

Introduction to Synergetic Play Therapy is a 32-hour program that takes you on a journey to explore the neuroscience behind what is happening in the play therapy process, how to repattern a child’s nervous system, and what it means to become an external regulator in the playroom.

You will learn how to effectively work with caregivers and what it means to create a neuroception of safety allowing both the child and the caregiver to have a deeper integration.

And if this wasn’t enough, you will come to understand the magic of aggressive play, sand and art from the perspectives of nervous system regulation, attunement, attachment, mindfulness, and authenticity.

You’ll learn all this while also learning how to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. Come discover what showing up in the playroom truly means and explore what is happening in the play therapy process, how change occurs, and ultimately what it takes to help children heal at profound levels. And the best part is, you get to be you on the journey! 

This course is offered four times a year – online in the months of January, June and October and in-person. Learn more here.

We know being a therapist / provider requires us to be on a journey of ongoing learning and self growth… And the Synergetic Play Therapy Certification program is designed just for this reason – to support you on your journey of growing, evolving, and transforming as a play therapist or play provider!

With 85 hours of content plus 13 hours of consultation, the SPT Certification online program propels you on a journey of inquiry about how healing truly occurs in the playroom. You will learn about nervous system activation re-patterning and how integration occurs in the mind-body. You will study in-depth the projective process and the mind, perceptions and memory, interpersonal neurobiology, and will have a transformative understanding of trauma and attachment theory. But this isn’t the best part of this training. The best part is what happens to YOU!

This online program begins with 3.5 days together in community. Halfway through the course, we will reconvene for an additional 4.5 days.  During the program (with the exception of December and January), the course will be conducted twice a month via live webinar (1 1/2 hours each). Students will have additional monthly assignments to integrate learning. The Certification process includes 4 one-hour consultation sessions (pre-Certification consultation upon completion of your introductory course) and 9 one-hour consultation sessions (combination of group and individual) during the course with an SPT Consultant for a total of 13 consultation hours. These sessions are designed to help you integrate and deepen your learning. 

This entire advanced program not only helps you learn how to facilitate your child client’s healing, but also teach you about yourself, what drives you to be who you are, and awaken your own authenticity … absolutely priceless!

Learn more about CE credits awarded, course details, and application requirements here.

For Certified Synergetic Play Therapists who meet the prerequisites we offer a path to becoming a Certified Synergetic Play Therapy Supervisor*. This program also count towards Association for Play Therapy’s Registered Play Therapy Supervisor requirements (please check with APT to determine full requirements).

In this training, students will learn how to apply the Synergetic Play Therapy philosophy and tenets to the supervisory relationship. Through video observation, didactic learning, group discussion, and self study (this program is heavy on independent study), students will learn how to step into the role of play therapy supervisor – one of the most important and influential roles in a play therapist’s journey.

Get all the details and apply here.

The Best Resource for Transforming Yourself & Your Child Clients from the Inside Out, Online or In-Person

In the conference room or on the couch, get your CE Credits and Certificates when you want, the way you want.

The Best Resource for Transforming Yourself & Your Child Clients from the Inside Out, Online or In-Person

In the conference room or on the couch, get your CE Credits and Certificates when you want, the way you want.

“SPT has changed my life in a profound way. It has taught me to think differently about how to support children, how to be in relationship and how to think more critically about the world around me. But the most profound learning from SPT has been about myself: That I have worth and that I can walk this planet being fearlessly authentic.”

-Amy Bobb, Certified Synergetic Play Therapist, Canada

“SPT has changed my life in a profound way. It has taught me to think differently about how to support children, how to be in relationship and how to think more critically about the world around me. But the most profound learning from SPT has been about myself: That I have worth and that I can walk this planet being fearlessly authentic.”

-Amy Bobb, Certified Synergetic Play Therapist, Canada