Music Therapy in The Playroom

Music plays an important therapeutic role, in the playroom and in life. It creates its own expression and its own language, allowing those who hear it to feel and react deeply. Take note: music matters.

1:15 Lisa introduces the Lesson from the Playroom Podcast Series

1:31 Kate Shannon – A music therapist

2:40 Music in a process

3:12 What is the definition of music therapy?

4:00 Credentialing of a music therapist

5:42 How does music act as an intervention?

6:00 What can music in the playroom look like?

7:37 Do No Harm

8:38 Music can induce both a positive or negative effect

10:30 Understanding the activation of the nervous system and emotional flooding

12:00 Music as a regulation tool

14:30 Music as a transition object

15:21 The importance of musical preferences

17:24 Music as a way to support attachment

19:24 The release of Oxytocin through music

20:30 Different musical scenarios in the playroom

21:30 What is the child telling you with their music?

23:30 Music’s ability to pull out emotions

24:00 Music through a Synergetic Play Therapy lens

26:00 Music can elicit a lot of intense feelings

29:17 What does music do to the left brain processes?

31:53 Why might music trigger an insecurity on the part of the clinician?

34:11 Growing comfortable with your voice

35:12 We’re asking kids to be vulnerable; we must be willing to be vulnerable too

37:11 Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders 

37:59 Music Therapy Handbook 

38:14 American Music Therapy Association