Monthly Archives: August 2022

Jayson Gaddis: Embracing Conflict In Our Personal & Professional Relationships

Lisa is joined by an incredibly important person in her life - an individual that she is excited to introduce you to (...someone outside the field of play therapy that you [...]

Jayson Gaddis: Embracing Conflict In Our Personal & Professional Relationships2024-07-08T12:57:47-06:00

Practicing Mindfulness in Parenthood

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S Mindfulness is something we hear a lot about, but what does it really involve? In simple terms, it’s the act of being present in the moment [...]

Practicing Mindfulness in Parenthood2024-05-24T14:43:51-06:00

Cary Hamilton: Supporting Parents With Children With Neurodiverse & Sensory Challenges

Lisa is joined by Cary Hamilton, another amazing guest, for a conversation that will transform your work with parents/caregivers who have children with neurodiverse or sensory processing challenges.  Cary is the [...]

Cary Hamilton: Supporting Parents With Children With Neurodiverse & Sensory Challenges2024-07-08T12:58:19-06:00

A Conversation About Self-Esteem in Play Therapy

Join Lisa Dion in exploring a topic that is relevant to every single person on the planet and particularly inspired by a conversation Lisa had with her daughter who is now [...]

A Conversation About Self-Esteem in Play Therapy2024-07-08T12:58:45-06:00

What Emotional Intelligence Really Means

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S How would you define emotional intelligence?  When I define emotional intelligence, I define it as the capacity to BE with. But be with what?... The capacity to [...]

What Emotional Intelligence Really Means2024-07-29T18:10:00-06:00
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