Monthly Archives: February 2024

Play Therapy Across the Lifespan: Nurturing Healing Through Symbolic Repair with Tara McDonald & Karen O’Neill

Lessons from the Playroom Podcast Ep. 164 Join Lisa as she hosts Tara McDonald and Karen O'Neill from PIP Solutions UK in an engaging discussion on the versatile practice of [...]

Play Therapy Across the Lifespan: Nurturing Healing Through Symbolic Repair with Tara McDonald & Karen O’Neill2024-07-06T13:49:08-06:00

Making Tough Decisions: Navigating the Terrain of Courage, Neurobiology & Authenticity

Lessons from the Playroom Podcast Ep. 163 In this episode, we’re turning the tables back toward Lisa’s direction to discuss what it takes to make hard decisions (both personal and [...]

Making Tough Decisions: Navigating the Terrain of Courage, Neurobiology & Authenticity2024-07-06T13:49:51-06:00

Exploring the “Swirly” Nature of our Nervous System

One of the most exciting things for me about the brain and the nervous system is that we keep learning more about what it is, what it does, and how it [...]

Exploring the “Swirly” Nature of our Nervous System2024-09-20T10:45:03-06:00
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