Getting it Wrong in the Playroom – Why Mistakes are Must-Dos for Great Play Therapists
All of us have moments when we doubt ourselves. Moments when we shake our heads in frustration. Moments when we have no idea what we’re doing. But challenges in the playroom are a necessity – they allow us to master new techniques and broaden our skills. Getting it wrong? It might just be right.
:55 Lisa gives an overview of the Lessons from the Playroom webinar series
1:59 All of us have moments of overwhelm
2:45 Lisa shares a personal experience with getting it wrong
3:35 Sometimes, things are outside our window of tolerance
4:30 There is always a new learning curve
5:19 It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a therapist for a week or you’ve done it for thirty years – you’ll still have moments of overwhelm
6:21 We are continually introduced to things we must master
7:21 What is the Peter Principle?
8:25 Questions come up throughout our play therapy journey
8:45 Episode 17, the Importance of Studying Different Modalities
9:22 Creating order in your understanding
10:50 If you’re too comfortable in your process, then you’re not growing
12:02 You are a student and a teacher at every single level of your journey
12:33 There’s always something that you know and something that you don’t
14:33 We want our clients to be comfortably uncomfortable
14:58 An attuned caregiver is only attuned about 30 percent of the time
16:41 Knowing yourself on deeper levels is a gift
17:01 How does the nervous system play a role?
19:17 Creating order in the nervous system
20:00 As soon as you master things, new challenges will be placed in front of you
21:00 Episode 19 – Rejection as a Gift