Working with Gifted Children in Play Therapy
Gifted children are unquestionably bright, but the gifted child isn’t the same as the intelligent child. Often the difference lies not only in intellectual needs but also the ability to regulate. Giftedness typically comes packaged with self-imposed standards that are impossibly hard to meet, leaving the child bored, angry, or anxious.
1:28 Giftedness is not a black and white topic – there are many shades of gray
2:30 Giftedness is a complex issue that requires more exploration
3:23 What’s the difference between someone labeled as “gifted” and someone who is just really smart?
3:57 Every child is a genius in their own way
4:33 The attributes of bright children
5:20 The attributes of gifted children
7:00 Gifted children seek stimulation and tend to be highly critical of themselves
9:30 Gifted children don’t necessarily know how to regulate – how can this present?
11:00 Gifted children place intense standards on themselves, which can result in anger and anxiety
11:35 Boredom in the gifted child and how that can look
12:30 Lisa discusses a past case
14:00 Giftedness isn’t necessarily all-encompassing – children may be gifted in certain areas only
17:00 One of the most important things to focus on is how gifted children manage their internal worlds
18:30 The fear of failure
19:15 Alternative solutions in the classroom
20:14 Gifted children don’t always do well academically and may be labeled as “lazy”
22:00 5 Ways to Avoid Emotional Flooding in the Playroom