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So far ptic has created 245 blog entries.

How a Therapist’s Own Experience of Shame & Confusion Helped a Boy Recover

By Daniel Howell, Senior Child & Family Counsellor at the Australian Childhood Foundation and Certified Synergetic Play Therapist Synergetic Play Therapy™ (2008) is a researched-informed model of play therapy blending the therapeutic [...]

How a Therapist’s Own Experience of Shame & Confusion Helped a Boy Recover2025-02-14T14:34:37-07:00

Sleep Issues in Kids: Why Some Children Ban the Bed

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S Getting children to go to sleep is often the Everest of parenthood. Kids resist, kids persist, and kids insist on another drink of water (even though they [...]

Sleep Issues in Kids: Why Some Children Ban the Bed2023-11-18T07:00:41-07:00

Overcoming Fatigue in Teletherapy 

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S From learning how to connect with a child through a computer screen, engaging parents in new ways, and incorporating more directive play than perhaps many are used [...]

Overcoming Fatigue in Teletherapy 2023-11-18T07:02:43-07:00

The Pose Begins When You Want to Leave It

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S You may already know this about me, but I love yoga! I do it almost every day. I love it because it helps me practice my [...]

The Pose Begins When You Want to Leave It2023-11-18T07:04:11-07:00

Growth Requires Friction

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S In this article published in the Science of Psychotherapy magazine, Lisa talks about how growth requires friction. It requires tension points and challenge. It requires moving out [...]

Growth Requires Friction2023-07-04T09:50:16-06:00

Tragedy: Why No One-Emotion-Fits-All

by Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S Most of us think of tragedy as being synonymous with sorrow. And, indeed, this is true a large part of the time: tragedy is sad. But it [...]

Tragedy: Why No One-Emotion-Fits-All2023-11-05T06:23:44-07:00

Body Language: Why it Speaks Volumes

The body tells the truth. It is the great revealer - an integral part of the puzzle, a prominent pixel in the big picture. Too often we focus on words, believing that [...]

Body Language: Why it Speaks Volumes2023-11-05T06:22:16-07:00

Finding Your Way Through the Chaos: An Educator’s Guide to Navigating the Pandemic

By Judy Norman, LPC, LSC, RPT-S Are you an educator or parent that is struggling to support your kids with navigating school online? ... In collaboration with Judy Norman, Synergetic Education [...]

Finding Your Way Through the Chaos: An Educator’s Guide to Navigating the Pandemic2023-11-18T07:05:57-07:00

Helping Parents and Caregivers to Feel Heard

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S We hold true to the idea that every child deserves a play therapy experience; the benefits aren’t limited to children inwardly or outwardly struggling. Yet caregivers don’t [...]

Helping Parents and Caregivers to Feel Heard2023-11-18T09:52:58-07:00

Cooperative Games in Play Therapy

Cooperative Games are growing in popularity, likely because of their ability to cultivate teamwork and appreciation of one another. In the playroom, they're used effectively with siblings and families, reminding each player [...]

Cooperative Games in Play Therapy2023-11-18T06:17:42-07:00
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