Yearly Archives: 2022

How Trying To Be Calm Gets In The Way Of Regulation

Have you heard the idea that a child needs a calm adult in order to regulate? The idea that an adult's "calm" presence is the answer to regulating a child when [...]

How Trying To Be Calm Gets In The Way Of Regulation2024-07-29T18:12:58-06:00

When “Shoulds” and “Should Nots” Show Up in the Playroom

In this episode, Lisa Dion talks about a most tender subject - the “shoulds” and “should nots” that we all have as clinicians 😒 ... you probably know what we’re talking [...]

When “Shoulds” and “Should Nots” Show Up in the Playroom2024-07-08T13:02:24-06:00

Lisa Dion & Jen Taylor: The Topic We Don’t Study Enough As Therapists

Lisa has a really special guest joining her for this episode and they’re doing something different today … It’s time to talk about business! - One of the most important topics [...]

Lisa Dion & Jen Taylor: The Topic We Don’t Study Enough As Therapists2024-07-08T13:07:56-06:00

What Regulation Really Means

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S The more therapists I teach, the more aware I become that the concept of regulation or becoming regulated is often misunderstood. Many people think that being regulated [...]

What Regulation Really Means2024-07-29T18:14:15-06:00

Bonnie Goldstein: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Children

Another amazing guest is joining Lisa Dion for this Lessons from the Playroom episode - Dr. Bonnie Goldstein. As a faculty member at Pat Ogden’s Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, she’s taken Sensorimotor [...]

Bonnie Goldstein: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy with Children2024-07-08T13:11:48-06:00

Tips to Prevent Burnout

When I finished graduate school, I tossed my commencement cap into the ring of the real world and packed my hopes and dreams inside filing cabinets and briefcases. I was ready, I [...]

Tips to Prevent Burnout2024-07-29T18:16:32-06:00

Felicia Carrol: Conversation with One of the Pioneers & Experts of Gestalt Play Therapy

This next Lessons from the Playroom topic is near and dear to Lisa's heart as she is a Certified Gestalt Therapist and Gestalt is one of the root theories of Synergetic [...]

Felicia Carrol: Conversation with One of the Pioneers & Experts of Gestalt Play Therapy2024-07-08T13:13:43-06:00

Authenticity in the Playroom

By Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S "I assure you that it's okay to be yourself in the playroom. In fact, it's necessary if you're going to help a child regulate through intense play, [...]

Authenticity in the Playroom2024-07-29T18:17:44-06:00

How Trying To Be Calm Gets In The Way of Regulation

In this podcast episode, Lisa clarifies one of the biggest misconceptions out there right now for parents and therapists - that regulation means being CALM. ...You’ve likely heard the idea that [...]

How Trying To Be Calm Gets In The Way of Regulation2024-07-29T18:20:44-06:00

Paris Goodyear-Brown: How to Hold “Hard Stories” in Play Therapy

Lisa met her next guest at her very first APT conference. She was doing a presentation on supervision. As Lisa sat in her course, she remembers thinking, “Who is this woman?! [...]

Paris Goodyear-Brown: How to Hold “Hard Stories” in Play Therapy2024-07-08T13:44:58-06:00
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