Let’s step outside of the playroom for a moment and talk business …

I spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to lead a company and a team. 🤔

I find myself thinking often about things like operating systems, financial projections, organizational charts, strategic planning, the company’s culture, my own expectations, how my nervous system is communicating with the other nervous systems in the company, and what I call “Plan B’s”. 

And one of the greatest things I’ve learned over the years as an entrepreneur is that rarely do things go as planned and that it’s often jumping too fast without systems in place and not having Plan B’s that end up creating chaos 🌀 in the business. 

So routinely, I’ll pull out my flip chart and work on my Plan B’s … outlining every aspect of my business and asking myself quality questions like:

📝  “If I were a student taking a course or purchasing a course, where would I feel confused and/or run into a glitch creating chaos in my learning experience?”

📝  “Where is the operating system/protocol not clear?”

📝  “If xxxxx doesn’t happen, what’s Plan B?”

📝  Etc….

So much of leadership is about being willing and able to see the business from a bird’s eye view and then finding ways to translate what you see (pitfalls and all) in a way that inspires and invokes a sense of responsibility in those that are there to execute.

If you’re ready to launch, grow, or re-imagine (up-level) your business dreams, learn how to manage the emotions that come along with having a business, or gain tools to overcome any of the challenges you might face (including creating Plan B’s), then consider joining me for The Business of Therapy course  – either in-person or live virtually. I’d love to have you join me! 

Much love on the journey!  💜

Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S

  “This course helps you to have clarity of your goals big or small, and helps you plan where you want to go based on your values but most importantly teaches you how to move through your fears, with tools you can continue to use after it’s over!” – Rose LaPiere