Yearly Archives: 2018

Selective Mutism in the Playroom

Selective Mutism in the Playroom From the child who only talks to certain people to the child who doesn't talk at all, selective mutism has many faces. The playroom is a common place where [...]

Selective Mutism in the Playroom2020-05-01T15:48:22-06:00

Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The Client is You After All

Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The Client is You After All As play therapists, we're often taught to check ourselves at the door. But, when the child's challenges reflect our own, this is [...]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall: The Client is You After All2020-05-01T15:45:00-06:00

Helping Children and Parents Heal When Tragedy Strikes

Tragedy is an inevitability of life, no matter how much we wish it wasn't. No one is immune, including kids. But heartbreak can bring about a myriad of emotions, inside and outside [...]

Helping Children and Parents Heal When Tragedy Strikes2022-06-02T07:21:22-06:00

Lessons from the Playroom 28: Intakes with the Brain in Mind

The intake session is a vital part of play therapy. But it's not all about educating parents about the process and their involvement;  it's also about the nervous system - yours and [...]

Lessons from the Playroom 28: Intakes with the Brain in Mind2022-08-25T06:15:37-06:00

Understanding Sleep Issues in Play Therapy

Understanding Sleep Issues in Play Therapy From the refusal to go to sleep to an inability to stay asleep, a child's tossing and turning speak volumes. But why do some children want [...]

Understanding Sleep Issues in Play Therapy2020-05-01T16:30:19-06:00

Let Nature be Your Co-Facilitator (an Interview with a 12-year-old)

Let Nature be Your Co-Facilitator (an Interview with a 12-year-old) Play therapy often happens inside of four walls, but the world outside acts as a co-facilitator. Nature is a powerful force for [...]

Let Nature be Your Co-Facilitator (an Interview with a 12-year-old)2020-05-01T16:32:54-06:00

Absorbing SpongeBob: Does Childhood Have Space for Technology?

by Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S Technology in childhood is an often debated subject with the pro Pac-Man crowd facing off against those who suggest shutting down the iPad and turning off the [...]

Absorbing SpongeBob: Does Childhood Have Space for Technology?2022-02-22T17:14:46-07:00

Discussing Violence with Your Children

by Lisa Dion, LPC, RPT-S Talking to kids about violence is an unfortunate necessity of parenthood. School violence, in particular, is extraordinarily frightening: not every child loves school, but they still expect [...]

Discussing Violence with Your Children2022-08-20T06:46:11-06:00

Emotional Flooding in the Playroom

Emotional Flooding in the Playroom Emotional flooding inside the playroom is often thought of as a bad thing, but this isn't necessarily true. There is knowledge in the nervous system and wisdom [...]

Emotional Flooding in the Playroom2020-05-01T16:37:20-06:00

Technology and Children – Is Pokemon Friend or Foe?

Technology and Children - Is Pokemon Friend or Foe? Children scream for ice cream and screentime too. But is technology as harmful as many assume or is it a necessity? Does using [...]

Technology and Children – Is Pokemon Friend or Foe?2020-05-01T16:35:20-06:00
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